Tuesday, October 23, 2007

oh yarn, where art thou?

Can I ask, why is it so hard to locate bold and bright colors in baby yarns? I finally found the two colors I need for the next blanket (this one is called August - it's a shooting star pattern) on the Lion Brand website, and now I can't seem to find someone who carries them. God forbid we wrap our babies in anything but pale blues and pinks, right? Grrr...

So here they are, Navy and Buttercup.

I only need one skein of the Buttercup Baby Soft, but three of the Navy. And yet... nothing. Perhaps, to Chel's point, I should join Ravelry. Maybe someone there can soothe my thumping, bumping brain (salud, Gonzo the Great) and help me find these elusive yarns. The pattern is so exciting, I can't wait to try something so wild for a baby blanket.

One strip to go, October, and I will finish you!


Michelle said...

I'll keep my eyes open ;) Yeah, I really wasn't sure about Ravelry, but I figured what's the harm in checking it out...and I can't talk about the mocs I'm knitting up right now on the blog because they're Christmas presents for family who reads the blog, but it's killing me that I'm knitting my fingers off and can't show them off! LOL! How lame am I? So I can post them there anyway.

hook and needle said...

Actually, how dumb am I, my friend on Pretty Crochety showed me how to order through Lion's Brand's website (though in my defense, the shop button was tricky to find). But I really hate that you can't get primary baby colors in the store. Again, goes along with our boy clothes discussion... I don't particularly LIKE pale blue.
I did sign up for Ravelry, what's the harm? :) Hope things are going well in the countdown-to-little-sister!

Michelle said...

Oh, have you used Caron Soft? They have a line in brights - I have used those for baby things, it's a nice soft yarn. I kwym about baby colors though - I used to think the standard baby pastel mix was pretty until I had a baby myself and now I despise it :) Countdown is good - I am more nervous about labor this time around, odd, huh?

Cinnamonamon said...

I know what you mean about pastel baby colors. They're cute for the space of 5 minutes & 1 photo shoot, then it's brights & deeps all the way! ;) Glad you were able to order the colors you needed! (and glad you're "back")!

Cinnamonamon said...

Hey! :) Try the Silver Sock Class -- it's a free tutorial online. Great instructions for socks, and you can use worsted, dk, or fingering weight, I think. The firestarter is great, but maybe not so much for a 1st sock (unless you're great at patterns, etc.)