Monday, June 28, 2010

what's for dinner

Simply Fresh Market has quickly become our go-to shop for produce. It's family owned, and tends to feature local produce. You would think that would be fairly common for a shop in Michigan during the summer. Just last year, a friend of mine admonished the manager of her local Kroger for selling Washington State cherries at the peak of cherry season here. Michigan is home to Traverse City, one of the most prized locations for cherries in the world, and here we are shipping our cherries from across the country. Shameful.

We fell in love with Simply Fresh before they even opened their doors. A few years back, they simply set a tent up in the lot of a vacant bank and sold fruits and veg farmstand-style, rain or shine. They have stupendous prices as well, which is nice. Apparently we weren't the only ones who loved them, as they soon moved in to the vacant bank and brought their farmstand indoors. My family is frugal, so we actually are the kind of people who stop at four stores every time we go shopping. Simply Fresh gets all of our produce business (whatever we didn't get at the Farmer's Market during the weekend, that is). Friday was Nacho and Movie Night last week, so of course, we had to make guacamole.

We love guacamole. Love it. We make guacamole just about once a week, if not more. Even marmallow loves it, my children have their own hand painted Mexican 'mole bowls, because they eat it with spoons. Guacamole is more of a staple than bread in our house.

It's also the most common use of my Kitchen-Aid mixer.

lil' b gets to do a little more of the 'mole-making every time. This time, he was in charge of scooping the creamy green flesh out of the avocados.

I am making progress on the cross quilt, I need to press the seams on the second quarter and sew the two quarters together. I also made some progress on the filagro scarf, despite forgetting to bring in on the drive to the zoo this weekend. I hope to have pictures of my half-complete quilt top sometime this week. Maybe some shots of the filagro scarf, too.


Monked & Fifed said...

Ugh, I hear you with the store thing. Last year we did a csa that was all organic + local, but we did not get nearly enough for our family...we don't csa now, I find I just can't stomach trying to be creative with rhubarb for weeks on end!
We have a Whole Wallet {aka:w.Foods}...but most of the time we try to to farmers markets. I so wish I had a store I loved...although there is a rumor going around that we have a trader joe's soon?

VeganCraftastic said...

Yum, I love guacamole!