Thursday, July 8, 2010


Isn't it beautiful?

I just ordered this today from Froggy Fibers. I was looking for something inexpensive, yet pleasing to the eye (and hopefully the hands and fiber as well). I have some dyed roving that I plan to dig into before spinning the new alpaca, my sister gave it to me for Christmas thinking it was some "new fangled foreign unspun yarn." Which it is, in a way. We have no idea what beast this roving came from, she bought it in Europe somewhere and all it has is a weight on the outside.

But the spindle. Oh how thrilling to be coming into the ownership of my very own spindle. It's like the domestic torch is being passed. I can't wait to see it in person. I hope I love it as much as I think I will.


kdmade said...

I got this coolio spindle on etsy (it's basically a drop spindle but on a base so you can kick it to spin). I wish I was braver and spun more fiber with it, but I'll get there. Have fun playing with yours!

Also, on the home selling front: EVERYTHING you are feeling is exactly what I have experienced. And more. I think I'll blog about it, but suffice it to say: having people wander through your house is WEIRD.

Itchin' Stitchin' said...

Oh it is beautiful - Congrats on the new spindle!

kdmade said...

I checked out the link - she has a section in her shop called "moss love". Sigh.

In other news, people came to visit the house today and USED THE BATHROOM...finishing the tp roll. Just so you know what you're in for...