Wednesday, August 26, 2009

on a roll

So I have a couple new quilts to show you and a finished baby Snuggly Bubbly sweater in pastel pink. But I haven't uploaded all the pictures yet!

I am visiting my parents at the lake right now, and foolishly thought that one knitting project alone was going to keep me occupied for the week. Like that has EVER happened. So here I am, 6 on Wednesday morning, without a scrap of fabric to quilt or row of knitting to work on. And of course, no yarn shops are open at this hour. Though it seems to me that LYS's should have the same hours as bars. I can't be the only person who has ever had a late-night craving for yarn.

At any rate, due to the hour and the lack of projects to busy my fingers, I thought I'd do an actual blog entry.

With my big brother sweater and accompanying baby sweater complete, I have one more "need to finish" left on my due date list... a white knitted Baptism gown. I have about 64 days remaining before Sissy is due to arrive. And I have a feeling that, unlike last time, I will not have all that down time during naps and nursing to work on any serious project.

I also have to start thinking past due date and forward to Christmas crafting. I am planning to make the ice cream cozy for my mom, finish up a pair of socks for Daddy-B, make a tailgate quilt for my sister, perhaps some new felt pillows for my brother-in-law, and then I need to dream up some other craft projects for the in-laws, lil' b and Sissy. Any suggestions? I am thinking perhaps an Itty Bitty Baby hat for Sissy, and I saw a pretty wicked fish hat pattern that lil' b might love. But the in-laws. Hmmm. Maybe I could make some felt pillows for them as well, they seem to enjoy pillows. I also have a lovely pair of twining vines socks on the needles that I could gift to my mother-in-law, but I so love them for myself!

And now, on to something I haven't had time for in months... reading my favorite blogs!!


Cinnamonamon said...

Hey lady!

seems like the blogs have all gotten a little slow this summer, huh? I know mine has!

Can't wait to see your planned projects! :)

hook and needle said...

Mine, too! It's hard to find time to craft and blog and STILL enjoy what's left of summer. :)