Saturday, August 30, 2008

tailgate quilt complete

Finally, after months of trudging this thing to and from the machine, it is complete!

Nearly 5' by nearly 7', it's the perfect snuggly quilt for chilly football days.

Just in time, too! First game of the season is today, first tailgate next week. Hooray!


a friend to knit with said...

it is fantastic!!! just in time for the fall.
nice work!

Shalu said...

good call! love it.

Michelle said...

Looks great! I bet it is really soft with all the t-shirt material!

Michelle said...

I'm sorry if I've asked before but did you ever get on Ravelry? I was browsing there tonight and tried to look you up, but couldn't find anything :) If you are, I'm Chili over there.

Michelle said...

I am - see pm on NBBC