Friday, December 21, 2007

august, fin

Here is it, the completed August, just in time to hand off to my sister this weekend:

I'll spare you the close-ups, since I've shown them so often already.

Ah, the satisfaction of an FO. Now I have a checked blanket on deck, another on the hook and waiting, and a scarf at the ready. But I'm not feeling too eager to launch into any of them, since I know I am mere days from all that delicious sock yarn. So maybe a quick project, or a finishing touch on one of my many WIPs to kill the time?

At any rate, I doubt I'll be updating further until after Christmas, so have a cool yule and a very Merry Christmas!


Cinnamonamon said...

Gorgeous!! Merry Christmas!

Knitterella said...

Wow! That is a beautiful blanket. Nice work!

Love the Boy Beanie too!

Happy New Year!